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Statutory adjudication of construction disputes arrived in Ontario on October 1, 2019. The interim binding dispute resolution process is also being rolled out across Canada. As the country’s leading construction law firm, Glaholt Bowles LLP has the industry knowledge and expertise to assist clients with the fast-paced adjudication process. Our team includes lawyers who have completed the Diploma in Adjudication in the Construction Industry offered by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and law clerks who have obtained the Osgoode Certificate in E-Discovery, Information Governance and Privacy.

Our skilled lawyers and clerks will work closely with clients to navigate the strict timeframes of adjudication, prepare submissions, organize and review project records, engage experts where required, assist with adjudicator selection and challenge adjudicator’s determinations if necessary, in a cost effective and collaborative approach to adjudication. 

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